Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Last Baby Shower

It's taken me too long to blog about my last baby shower - hosted by my mom, Brian's mom and my aunt.  I've been gathering pictures this week from various guests' cameras (and am still in the process).  The weather did not cooperate as we would have liked, so most of the party had to be moved indoors.  Although it was a bit of a tight squeeze inside, we had a great time!  Here are a few highlights.

A framed invitation, adorable chocolate truffle favors, beautiful tulip flowers and fun spring colored candies.
 Here is a close up of those awesome favors (yummy, too).
 The cake was gorgeous!  All the little ducks and booties and pacifiers are made out of marzipan!
My mom even dusted off her crafty side and made me a diaper cake - it's so cute!!!  I can't wait to put it in our baby's nursery until we disassemble it and use the diapers. 
 Mmmmm, Debbie brought an Edible Arrangement - so yummy.  Chocolate covered strawberries are my fave.
 Here's my cousin, Haven who was our photographer for the day lovin' on my boy.  He was the lone male at the baby shower - he fit right in, though.  Of course, he needed to get in the pool and show off by taking a quick dip about 30 minutes into the shower.
 Debbie arranged for the games - almost everyone over-estimated the size of my belly.  Thanks, guys - boooooo!
 My mom got to show off her new kitchen that's finally done!  She made lasagna and chicken salad sandwiches for the shower in here, too.
 Everyone was so generous, I can hardly think of anything else we need for this baby!  Riley was a great helper until the big scary boxes got in his way.
 Suzy gave me this gorgeous quilt that was made by my great-grandmother's sister and passed down in the family.  I feel so honored to receive it from my aunt!  It's beautiful and looks like something brand new from PB Kids!  It was made back in the 1920s - crazy it's in such good condition and it's lasted this long!  If we have a girl, we'll be hanging it in the nursery.  If we have a boy, it will be stashed safely in storage until a baby girl comes along.
 Suzy and Lindsay posing for Haven the photographer :)
It was a fantastic day and I am so thankful for my gracious hostesses and generous friends and family members.  Our baby is so blessed to be born into such a loving group.  I can't wait to introduce our little one to everyone this summer!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Pretty shower! That is a beautiful quilt, looks so modern!