Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We've Moved!

Well, we made it through the move this weekend.  Brian and his brother frantically packed up the remaining items in our house on Friday (which was actually quite a lot) - some things were accidentally overlooked like our silverware drawer and our cleaning supplies, but nothing a quick trip back to SF yesterday wasn't able to solve.  On Saturday, Brian and a posse of men (and three Dodge Rams plus a U-Haul trailer) headed into SF to pack up the house.  Keep in mind, Brian has already taken 6 or 7 trips with his truck full of goods over to the new house over the last couple of weeks -yikes!  The move went fairly well, minus some bumps to our freshly painted walls and some scuffs/scratches to a handful of pieces of furniture.  The only casualties we've found thus far?  A ramekin and Riley's dog food bowl (thank goodness for leftover Pottery Barn gift cards to order him a new one!).  We were very fortunate to have so many people help with the move. 

Now, it's on to the photo tour.  On Sunday, I got to move in - woohoo!  My mom took me over here and helped started getting things settled.  She went to the grocery store for us to stock our fridge and then helped with some laundry and unpacking in the kitchen.  I got settled on the couch and tried to think of things I could have people help with.  I'll fill you in more on who did what as I take you through the photo tour.  This is still an "in between" photo tour as we're not unpacked and the place is a disaster at the moment with boxes everywhere, doors not hung, lamps still packed, tables not assembled, etc.  This is our new house 2 days after the move!

Here is our fabulous shower which is awesome so far.  We need to figure out a towel hanging solution as there is no great place for an additional towel bar.  As you can see, my towels are flung over the top.  My mom picked us up a new bathmat at Costco and it's awesome.  The shower doesn't get that hot so our contractor is going to come take a look....he thinks there might be some sort of scald proof setting on it.  Also, the lights need to be enclosed in the cans, but he needs to install shorter bulbs for that to happen.  We're using the vanity light only to shower at the moment.  Hopefully the light and heat things get figured out tomorrow. 
 I love the granite Brian picked out for our bathroom counter.  The toilet is quite nice, too.  We are missing a bulb in the vanity light, but that's on the long list of to do items at the moment.  This room is also going to be painted - same color blue as the laundry room, which you will see shortly.
 Cat and Andra came over on Sunday to help unpack, too and they did a hell of a job.  Talk about unpacking machines!  They unpacked our whole bathroom and organized everything in the vanity and linen closet.  They also unpacked and organized our whole master closet.  So helpful.  Especially with my limited mobility - it's great to not have to sift through boxes looking for this lotion or that hairbrush.  The picture below of the master shows the great blue color that I love, but it also shows what a mess the room is at the moment!  As you can see, the bed is not made and it's set up to be my "workspace" for the day - phones, water bottle, snacks, tray, laptop, etc.  We also need to shift some furniture a few inches here or there, and of course, put closet doors back on!  Knock on wood, but I think we have enough closet space for both of us!
 Brian's mom, my mom, and Brian's aunts helped unpack and organize our kitchen.  It's looking great so far.  I'm so thankful for their work - our kitchen is definitely "usable".  It couldn't have been an easy feat since we have a TON of kitchen supplies.  The stainless appliances came clean after the cleaning people worked on them on Friday, thank God.  We're still missing a few cabinet doors and some of the trim isn't done being painted yet, but that will happen this weekend.  The stools also need their pads put back on and the cabinet on the right needs new glass put on.
 So far, I am in LOVE wit my new washer and dryer.  The clothes smell sooooo clean when they come out.  You might think that's just the detergent, but it's not.  We've used this brand of detergent before in SF and it's not the same.  I'm a fan and I've washed a bunch of baby stuff and our clothes, too.
 Not much going on in the dining room yet - just some random boxes hanging out looking to be unpacked and our new dining room table looking to be assembled.
 Ah yes, the garage.  The garage scares me.  It's such a disaster, I have an anxiety attack just opening the door.  Clearly, lots of stuff in here that needs to be taken to its permanent home - baby furniture, book shelf, more boxes.....also, Gregory's little painting station is still set up as the kitchen cabinets are not done yet (you can see some hanging on the wall if you look closely).
 When I think I'm going to hyperventilate looking at the garage, I look at this photo and it gives me the false feeling that the house is all done.  This is my little neat corner that looks complete.  I'm very pleased with how the cabinets turned out so far.  Some of them need to be shifted and have their hinges swapped out, but overall, I like the way they look and they are bright and clean.
 Here's the living room.  I've been holed up in here if I'm not in the master bedroom.  It's coming along - Comcast came out and we're all set up with TV and internet.  The shutters guy came today, too and we ordered plantation shutters for this huge window compliments of my awesome MIL as a housewarming gift - thank you, Debbie & Mitch!  We just need to rearrange some furniture in here and get the shelves filled and we'll be all set.  My rocking chair came and it's pretty nice!  I'll have to try it out more soon!  You can see it in the corner here.  My mom, Debbie, Cat and Andra helped me wash and fold and sort through baby items in here on Sunday.  I'm feeling much better about what we have and what's ready now.  Brian also got out some baby stuff thinking he should put a few things together, but as you can see, the swing and the pack n play are just sitting in this room in their boxes.  Too much to do, too little time!  Poor Bri Bri is worn out.  He's done so much.
 The guest room!  Love the paint job.  Cat and Andra were kind enough to put the linens on the bed.  We need to rearrange the furniture in here as it's not a huge room and we still have a bookcase in the garage that needs to go in here.  However, the furniture Brian refinished and painted white earlier this spring looks great in here!
 Which then takes us to the nursery.  Everyone keeps asking, "is your baby's room all set up?!" and I chuckle.  Ha, no.  So far, we have a bookshelf and a hamper in here.  And a ceiling fan/light still in the box.  The shutters guy gave me a quote for plantation shutters in here, too....I need to decide tonight.  Baby steps, my friends, baby steps.
 We did get the closet organizer installed.  Thanks to my FIL for working on that on Sunday.  Soon, I can fill the closet.  Once the crib and changing table are set up, we can start getting baby stuff put away. 
 Speaking of baby stuff, where is it all, you ask?!  It's in the third bedroom, just hanging out, waiting patiently to be put away.  Piles and piles of it.  My mom ran to BRU for me yesterday and made a few quick returns/exchanges and picked up our crib mattress so we were able to take advantage of the huge Memorial Day sale.  All I need now is a mattress pad.
 The guest bathroom needs a lot of cosmetic work and Brian and I decided we'd gradually handle that ourselves rather than paying someone to do it.  It's not urgent work, luckily.  Jess came over yesterday to help a bit and she hung my new shower curtain which I think makes a heck of a difference already!  Next up?  Paint, new mirror, new light fixture, new wax ring for the toilet and some blinds!  Jess also unpacked a lot in our office and put the shelves back on the walls, we're getting there!
 Boxes, boxes everywhere!  Here's a snap shot of our hallway to give you an idea of what the place is looking like.  We moved a console table under the stairs and it fits nicely.  Also, we have a ton of boxes that need to be broken down and listed on Craigslist as free so someone comes and takes them off of our hands.  Brian did take the car seat out of the box and it's sitting here ready to be installed in our car.  Doesn't the hallway look nice and bright with the new paint?  We can't thank Brian's dad, Tim enough for the hours he slaved over at our house painting and painting and painting.  It would never be in the condition it's in without his help!  Luckily, we're almost done painting.  Or so I think.....we need to paint the master bath, the half bath, do some touch up work from the move, patch work in the kitchen and dining room from nails and screws and the upstairs bath. 
I plan to continue to tell our story and post new pics as major progress is made.  Keep checking back!  I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so perhaps I'll have something fun to share on Baby Rogers!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

1 Month to Go

We are officially within the 1 month window - Baby Rogers is due 1 month from today!  Since I put real clothes on today (ie. not sweats paired with Brian's t-shirts) and a bit of makeup to head to the doctor's office, we took a belly photo (35.5 weeks along).  Boy, do I look worn out!  No idea why - I am BORED on bed rest, not tired!
 My doctor says everything looks good and isn't too concerned about my low lying placenta.  I'll go for my last ultrasound next Wednesday to it out and say hello to baby!  The baby is pretty well positioned (head down, -1 station for those who know the terms/lingo) and I'm 80% effaced, but no dilation yet.  We are chugging along towards the due date.  Even though I'm 8 months pregnant, big as a house, feeling the baby move constantly, it didn't really HIT me until I heard the doctor say that I'm 80% effaced that we're having a baby within a month.  Crazy!  I'm feeling pretty good, although my hips ache from sleeping on them and laying/lounging on them all night and all day.  My poor bladder is getting smushed, though!  Since the baby has dropped a good amount, my ribs are getting a break, though.  I'm still craving jamba juice and milkshakes/malts, cheeseburgers, salad, and fresh fruit - yum, yum.
In terms of a house update, we made a ton of progress today!  Washer and dryer delivered and installed (fridge is delayed until next week, boooo), rocker/glider delivered and new carpets installed!  Here's a direct quote from Brian (via text) this evening on his trip out to the house to drop a load of stuff off, "Carpet is so nice.  I just want to roll on it like a dog".  I can't wait!  On Tuesday, we had the tile floors cleaned and everyone says they look great (can't wait to see them!).  Here is a photo (via iPhone) of the shower with the new shower enclosure installed.  Loving my new shower and I haven't even tried it yet.  The SF house is almost packed (minus the kitchen) and the plan is to move on Saturday.  Brian and his posse of family and friends will be loading up the trucks (3 Dodge Rams) and the U-Haul trailer.  Can't wait until Sunday when I get to officially live in the new house (even if on bed rest)!  Look for photos over the next couple of days!
In other good news, our "anniversary" gift to each other, the above dining room set, was back ordered and it came in yesterday at Cost Plus World Market - just in time to use the $50 off Memorial Day coupon!  Brian headed over with his truck and picked up our table and chairs to bring to the new house, along with a bunch of boxes and bags, too.  I can't wait to see it all set up and put together!  It's all coming together...exciting times, but we sure are getting down to the wire.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Last Baby Shower

It's taken me too long to blog about my last baby shower - hosted by my mom, Brian's mom and my aunt.  I've been gathering pictures this week from various guests' cameras (and am still in the process).  The weather did not cooperate as we would have liked, so most of the party had to be moved indoors.  Although it was a bit of a tight squeeze inside, we had a great time!  Here are a few highlights.

A framed invitation, adorable chocolate truffle favors, beautiful tulip flowers and fun spring colored candies.
 Here is a close up of those awesome favors (yummy, too).
 The cake was gorgeous!  All the little ducks and booties and pacifiers are made out of marzipan!
My mom even dusted off her crafty side and made me a diaper cake - it's so cute!!!  I can't wait to put it in our baby's nursery until we disassemble it and use the diapers. 
 Mmmmm, Debbie brought an Edible Arrangement - so yummy.  Chocolate covered strawberries are my fave.
 Here's my cousin, Haven who was our photographer for the day lovin' on my boy.  He was the lone male at the baby shower - he fit right in, though.  Of course, he needed to get in the pool and show off by taking a quick dip about 30 minutes into the shower.
 Debbie arranged for the games - almost everyone over-estimated the size of my belly.  Thanks, guys - boooooo!
 My mom got to show off her new kitchen that's finally done!  She made lasagna and chicken salad sandwiches for the shower in here, too.
 Everyone was so generous, I can hardly think of anything else we need for this baby!  Riley was a great helper until the big scary boxes got in his way.
 Suzy gave me this gorgeous quilt that was made by my great-grandmother's sister and passed down in the family.  I feel so honored to receive it from my aunt!  It's beautiful and looks like something brand new from PB Kids!  It was made back in the 1920s - crazy it's in such good condition and it's lasted this long!  If we have a girl, we'll be hanging it in the nursery.  If we have a boy, it will be stashed safely in storage until a baby girl comes along.
 Suzy and Lindsay posing for Haven the photographer :)
It was a fantastic day and I am so thankful for my gracious hostesses and generous friends and family members.  Our baby is so blessed to be born into such a loving group.  I can't wait to introduce our little one to everyone this summer!

Home Sweet Home

Huge strides have been made with our house (no thanks to me, sadly)!  We are planning to move in this coming weekend so keep your fingers crossed that baby doesn't have plans of his or her own between now and then.  I can't thank our family and friends who have helped us in some way, shape or form enough!  My mom came to the city on Thursday and brought us groceries, cleaned the house, did laundry, walked Riley and ran an errand for me.  Tracey came by on Wednesday to spend the evening keeping me company and she brought me dinner.  Brian's dad is still working like a dog to paint our house.  His mom and Mitch came down to paint all day Saturday and Sunday.  It's taking a village.....but we're well on our way.  Hopefully the kitchen cabinets are finished this week and I can't wait to share pictures after the new carpets are installed!

Here's a photo tour of some "before" and "in progress" photos.

Here's a shot of our master bedroom - Rick had started to knock out the small closet to extend the shower and give us more wall space.  Although you cannot see in this photo, the texture on the bedroom walls is terrible.  Extreme sandpaper texture.  The other walls in this room, not pictured, were a maroon red.
Here's where the master was at yesterday afternoon.  Closet is gone, walls are re-textured and painted a fresh, crisp blue!  I love it and I haven't even seen it in person.
 Here's the best "before" photo we have of the old master shower/tub, but it's after Rick tore out the old cultured marble shower.  If you don't remember, the subfloor in the master bathroom was dry rotted and needed to be repaired which required ripping out the whole bathroom - an opportunity for us to upgrade a little bit.
 Here's our new shower - almost done!  The tile is all laid and grouted.  The ceiling needs to be painted and the lights need to be pulled into the cans (I'm sure there is a technical term for that) and the shower door needs to be installed.  I loooovvveeee our new shower!
Now this next set of before and in progress photos probably are not that impressive.  However, you will note the decorative beams have been knocked down and replaced and the room has been cleaned up and repainted a lovely boring shade of "oatbran".
 The new carpet is scheduled to be installed on Thursday.  The window sill is now painted a nice, crisp white and we'll be putting faux wood blinds in.  Although I really want plantation shutters in the long run, we can't swing it right now.  We also are installing a ceiling fan and changing the canned lights liner from black to white.
Tadah!  I hope to post some pics later this week after the carpet is done and our new appliances are installed.  Also, there will definitely be pictures of the move, or at least the aftermath....I'll be allowed to move to the new house once my bed and couch are all ready to be re-inhabited.  I hate bed rest.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

3 Years Down, So Many More To Go

Brian and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary on Tuesday.  I have to say, with all of the house and pregnancy things going on (especially with me married to the couch these days), it was quite uneventful, however we still managed to make it a special day.  I ordered Chinese food in for dinner and I sent Brian a cute little e-card.  He brought me home these gorgeous flowers (please excuse the pitcher, our vases are packed!) and picked up yummy Magnum ice cream bars for dessert and gave me the sweetest card ever.  We agreed on no gifts this year - instead, we are looking to get a new table and chairs for our dining room (woohoo!).  Thanks to my loving hubster for all the hard work he's been doing the last few weeks and all the work he'll continue to do while I'm on bed rest.  Our fourth year as hubby and wife is sure to bring exciting new things, including a new house and a new baby! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Whose Pillow?

I'm on day 18 of modified bed rest.  I'm working from my bed today, with my little bed tray all set up with my laptop, blackberry, iPhone, notebook, etc.  Here's my view - Riley, using my pregnancy pillow.  Whose pillow is it, anyway?

Monday, May 16, 2011

House Update

It's time for a house update!  You, my reader friends, are in the same position as I am in and cannot see the progress in person at our new house.  Brian and his dad spent the weekend painting (his dad has spent the last 2 weeks painting!) and Gregory got some more work done on the kitchen cabinets.  Meanwhile, Rick's work is looking great in the bathroom!  And now, I'll take you on a tour...

 Here's our "guest" bedroom.  The walls and the closet have been painted.  Next up?  Painting closet doors and putting new baseboards up and getting new carpet installed.  You may recall this room as the blue and blue room from my original "before pics" post.  Our furniture for this room is white (Brian's furniture refinishing project from March) and the bedding is white, blue, green and teal so I think it will look great!
 Gregory hung the kitchen cabinets in the garage to spray them with a paint spray gun - they are looking crisp!  Can't wait until they're hung up and the kitchen is all done.
 Here is our entry way - with a fresh coat of "oatbran" paint.  It "only" took 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of paint to cover up the lovely green puce mustard color (I think).  Now, we have a much brighter hallway and a more neutral color.  Some of you may say neutral = boring, but I like neutral.
 Here's our nursery - it's coming along.  I love the green color.  Can't wait to see it in person.  The closet doors still need paint and of course, the room will get new baseboards and carpet, too.
Here's a sneak peak at our new master bath shower.  It's so nice!!!  This is replacing an old cultured marble tub/shower combo and we had lights put in too so it's nice and bright.  Can't wait to see the finished product - maybe this weekend?
 So there is the "short" photo tour.  Can't wait to show you all the finished product!

In other house news, our carpet came in!  So, I've scheduled tile and grout cleaning for next Tuesday, carpet installation for next Thursday, and house cleaning for next Friday!  Hoping to get the washer and dryer and fridge installed maybe Wednesday after the tile is cleaned.  We are well on our way!  Speaking of fridge, my parents surprised us with offering to buy us a new fridge as a house warming gift!  Woohoo!  Now we don't need to make sad faces at the old, nasty fridge that we were going to have to deal with for a while.  After substantial research, I think we're going to go with this Frigidaire model:

Friday, May 13, 2011

Week 34

I'm in my 34th week of my pregnancy this week, and although I'm on modified bed rest, it was a productive and busy week.  Can't believe our little one is on his/her way so soon.  Here's a recap to catch you up. 
I gave in and ate the old man's cookies - all of them (over a week).  I also had a potato, used some spinach in a frittata (and fed some to Houdini), opened up the peanut M&Ms, tossed the bagels (they were stale), and cracked open the Tostitos cheese good, but so bad....which is why we never have that stuff around.  He clearly is not coming back for his goods...

I had my regularly scheduled doctor's appointment this week (after a quick trip to the hospital again on Monday night, but I wasn't admitted this time) and my BP is great, I lost 2 lbs (apparently bed rest prevents over eating), but am still in the healthy gain rate, and baby has a strong heartbeat and is growing, measuring 34 weeks (at 33 weeks, 3 days) so all news was good news on that end.  As for my slight complication, the doctor is definitely not taking me off modified bedrest until the baby comes so all hopes of that were shot.  I have a "low lying" placenta, as I've mentioned before, which is a minor type of placenta previa.  Basically, all that means for now is that it's too early to know whether or not my delivery will be impacted....I could go to term, I could have to deliver early....I could have a c-section, I could have a vaginal delivery....for now, the doctor is not too concerned and Riley and I will continue to chill on the couch or bed.  I  made the mistake of reading too much scary info on placenta previa on the internet so I'll also be steering clear of too much pregnancy research, too.

My mom came over on Wednesday and helped clean my house up a bit - sweeping, vacuuming, wiping counters and doing laundry!  She also took me to my appointment.  The help was much appreciated.  Today, Brennan and Debbie are here, too helping do laundry and clean up and pack up our house.  Woooo!  We're lucky to have such generous family members.  I started getting my hospital bag and diaper bag ready for baby's birth.  For now, I've got the above cute lil outfit washed and packed for our "going home" outfit for baby, as well as a blanket. 
On Tuesday and Wednesday nights, we had our Childbirth 101 class and it was GREAT.  I am so glad we took this course.  I feel so much more prepared and knowledgeable about labor, different types of delivery, different types of possible interventions and instruments used during delivery, breathing and coping techniques for natural births, pain meds, what to expect from nurses and doctors, what happens to the baby after birth, etc.  Brian volunteered to help demonstrate one of the laboring positions and I snapped a photo (above) on my phone, he he.  He won us a prize though - some baby washcloths and bath salts.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bed Rest Progress

I've now been on bed rest for about a week and a half and I have strict doctor's orders to be more diligent with the bed rest and to try to stay "more horizontal".  I'm still getting things done virtually, though (in addition to working!).  

Task # 1
I ordered our carpet from Home Depot.  The measure guys went to the house on Saturday and Brian and I picked carpet based off some samples on Sunday.  We expect to get it installed the week before Memorial Day weekend.

Task # 2
I ordered a set of nursing pj's and a robe online.  It's time to get the hospital bag packed since I'm on bed rest so I needed to get a pair of these.  I bit the bullet on the shipping because, alas, I cannot drive myself to the store and shop.  Here's what they look like (the top clips down for easy nursing access):
Task # 3
I made a list of stuff to pack in the hospital bag, including this super cute hospital gown I received as a shower gift from Stefania.  This is definitely way cuter than the standard issue gowns, but it also has more coverage in the back so your butt doesn't hang out, and the shoulders also snap open for easy nursing.

Task # 4
I made a spreadsheet of addresses for birth announcements.  I also have a handful of both girl and boy announcements bookmarked on my browser for when it's time to order.