Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, July 22, 2011

Week 4

This post is a tad overdue, but better late than never, right?  Gemma will be 5 weeks old tomorrow (sigh, sniff, sniff...time is going too fast!).  We had lots of good milestones in Week 4, though. 

Her belly button / cord situation was cleared by the doctor so she had her first submerged bath and she was a big fan!  She just hangs out and looks at you....wriggles around, hangs one leg over the baby-bath hammock like a true lounger.  There is nothing like the smell of a baby - especially a clean baby!
We took our regular weekly photo - I'm running out of different shapes and colors for the signs and blankets for the backgrounds, get ready for some repeats.  She's a pensive little gal in these photos!  She is growing so much - the "newborn" size outfit in the photo below is clearly too short.  This is the first time she'd worn it, too.  She's got some long limbs, that girl. 
 She also took her first bottle this week!  From her daddy, of course.  We're working on finding the perfect bottle/nipple combo so Brian can feed her a bottle of day.  I'm working on pumping often to build up my supply, too.
 Auntie Alia came to visit and meet Gemma this week, too!  She brought her camera and took some seriously amazing photos of Gemma (and Riley, too) on her 1 month birthday.  She inspired us to get a new lens for our camera so expect the quality of our photos to improve by the Week 5 update.
Here is one of the amazing photos by Alia.  Riley wanted in on the photo action and actually was pretty cute!  Gemma loves him (or at least doesn't mind him) and he loves her, too.  We are using one of the photos Alia took for her birth announcement - which we FINALLY ordered.  Hope to get them mailed next week.
 We also got our professional newborn photos (Gemma at 2 weeks) back from the photographer.  Here's one of our little family (sans Riley, sorry, didn't cooperate).
 And here's another of our naked baby on a bench!  She was such a good sleeper for her pictures!
 I am obsessed with Etsy these days and have ordered several hair flowers/bows for Gemma and also wooden letters (in her name) in pink for her nursery.  I'm excited for them to arrive and get them hung.  The nursery is coming along - getting appropriately girlified.  Tomorrow, our plantation shutters are being installed so I'll also post some more "after" pics of the house, soon.  Brian's been a working machine on the weekends taking care of house to come.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love her little weekly pictures adn your family picture! She is a long baby! I can't wait to see her "girlified" nursery. What lens are you going to get?