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Thursday, May 19, 2011

3 Years Down, So Many More To Go

Brian and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary on Tuesday.  I have to say, with all of the house and pregnancy things going on (especially with me married to the couch these days), it was quite uneventful, however we still managed to make it a special day.  I ordered Chinese food in for dinner and I sent Brian a cute little e-card.  He brought me home these gorgeous flowers (please excuse the pitcher, our vases are packed!) and picked up yummy Magnum ice cream bars for dessert and gave me the sweetest card ever.  We agreed on no gifts this year - instead, we are looking to get a new table and chairs for our dining room (woohoo!).  Thanks to my loving hubster for all the hard work he's been doing the last few weeks and all the work he'll continue to do while I'm on bed rest.  Our fourth year as hubby and wife is sure to bring exciting new things, including a new house and a new baby! 

1 comment:

Anthony and Katie Green said...

pretty flowers! Happy Anniversary to you guys, it seems like yesterday doesn't it?