Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, January 31, 2011

Diaper Cakes: The How To

I will kick off this post with a quick disclaimer: I am not an expert diaper cake maker.  I have made two.  They turned out well and I've been asked for "instructions" and "help" for others who want to take a stab.  Another disclaimer is that I am in no way, shape or form crafty or creative so that goes to show how EASY this is.

Like I said, I've only made two and I made them each a bit differently.  For this past weekend, for Kristen's shower, I took some pictures of the work-in-progress and can now try to guide my readers along if they want to try their hand at the diaper cake.

I started with a round piece of cardboard for the base - purchased at Michael's or Hobby Lobby (I can't remember).  I covered with with tissue paper - you can really use whatever you want - wrapping paper, tissue paper, paint the base, etc.  I just taped down the tissue paper and tried to smooth it over so it would lie flat and not look sloppy.
 Next, I rolled the diapers and rubber-banned them so they'd stay rolled.  I used Pampers Swaddlers in the Newborn size, but you can really use whatever you want.  Keep in mind the larger the size, the taller and thicker your diaper cake will turn out.  Also, take care to roll the diaper design (if there is one) so that only the white part will show on the outside.
 I picked up three styrofoam discs - I stacked them on each other at the store (Michael's) to see if they were a good size/proportion to look like a cake.  I glued the biggest one to my cardboard base with a mini hot blue gun.  Then, I started gluing the rolled diapers against the styrofoam disc.  As you can see in the photo, they are not perfectly aligned.  You have to keep an eye on them and try to get them as close together as possible so there are no gaps where you can see through them into the center of the cake.  Also, it's important to make sure they are as lined up as possible.  You'll have an opportunity, however to help straighten them out when you attach the decor and ribbon later.  I had to hold them in place a little longer than I would have liked while the glue hardened up a bit because the styrofoam disc was short.  If your mom-to-be is registered for the Diaper Genie you can also buy the refill things which are round and use those for a base.  I did that last time.  Anything round will work, really.
 When the first disc was fully surrounded by diaper rolls, I crumbled up a few sheets of tissue paper and stuffed them in the middle to fill up the space.  Then, I placed the next (smaller) disc on top and lined it up at just above the level of the first layer of diaper rolls as you can see in the photo.  I stuck a wooden dowel (purchased at Michael's) in the middle to help hold everything in place.  I glued the disc to the dowel so that it wouldn't budge, too.  I waited for this to fully dry and harden before I started gluing the next round of diaper rolls to the second styrofoam disc.  I tried to keep the hot glue on the rubberbands rather than all over the diapers, but sometimes it didn't work out that way.  I wanted to ensure the mom-to-be can use as many of the diapers as possible when she takes the "cake" apart.
 Although I wanted to wait until all three layers of diapers were done before I started to decorate, I got impatient because I ran out of diapers.  So, as you can see, I wrapped ribbon around the diapers - the one on the bottom covers up the rubber bands and the one on the top helps to even out the layer of diapers and kind of sucks it in nice and smoothly.
 So, back at it the next day, after a trip to Target for more diapers, I finished off layer number two and stuffed the center with more tissue paper and set the last styrofoam disc.  While I was waiting for that to dry, I tied more ribbon around layer 2.  Again, taking care to cover the rubberbands and tighten up the layering of the diapers.
 I did the same with the third and final layer - and finished it off with the same "pattern" of ribbon I did on the first layer.  Of course, your decor, ribbon patterns, choices, etc. are all up to your creative mind.  For this particular cake, I used a wooden G that I picked up at Michael's and painted yellow as the parents-to-be have affectionately named their baby, "Baby G".  I stuck the G on the wooden dowel, stuffed some more colored tissue paper in the top of the cake to fill it up a bit and my diaper cake was ALMOST done.  But alas, it needed more flair.
I bought a few baby items at Babies R Us - some pacifiers, some socks, a rattle, a sippy cup, some rubber duckies, etc.  I carefully placed these around the cake and eventually hot glued or tied them all on.  I tried to buy quality "flair" to ensure that mom-to-be will use them vs. toss them because they are crap.  If the items weren't easy glued on (as in, they'd be ruined if glued), I tried to tie them with ribbon and then glue the ribbon to the cake.  I also used some wire ribbon to tie a bow at the bottom of the G and also another decorative bow that I glued to the second layer of the cake for some added pizazz.  Riley was a big fan of the giraffe rattle featured on the top of the cake - he wanted it as his own.
So, ta-dah!  There is my latest (and second ever) diaper cake!  It's really not that hard, you just need to get creative.  In one sitting, this would have taken about 3 hours.  Rolling diapers and then gluing them on takes the longest amount of time - all which can be done in front of the TV with a good movie on!  I had to stop a few times because I ran out of diapers and hot glue and I was working on it at night so I did it in a handful of 30-45 min intervals.  It made for a great gift and shower decoration. 

Here is a photo of the one I made last year for comparison:

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Showering the Mom-to-Be

Kristen and Josh are nearing the home stretch, awaiting the arrival of their little one, "Baby G".  Today, we had the opportunity to shower Kristen with love and fun baby gifts!  Nikki and I hosted a shower and had a ton of fun doing it!

Here's a photo of some of the fun decor - the favors, the game prize, the cake, and the diaper cake I made (more on that later!).
Here is the BEAUTIFUL (and tasty) cake - very, very pleased with how it turned out!  A big thanks to Angela, who made it. 
 Here's a group shot of some of the girls - touching the bump!  Also, a great shot of the adorable banner Amy made, "Welcome Baby G!".
 A close up of the chocolate truffle favors - super cute!
Just under two months until d-day for Josh and Kristen - best of luck to them.  Can't wait to meet the newest addition to the family!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Baby Bump...Or Not?

I've gotten lots of requests for the "baby bump" photos.  Well, I hate to disappoint, but the bump is still not impressive.  Here's a photo of me at 17 weeks.  Two things I'd like to point out - these new maternity jeans smash my bump down and make it look flat, resulting in me just looking thicker.  Second thing, the bump is more evident when I'm wearing something like yoga pants and a form fitting shirt.  Perhaps you'll get one of those photos one day when I don't feel like a total slob while wearing said outfit :)

I just scheduled our "big" (and last) ultrasound - Feb. 4!  If we were finding out the sex, that is when we would be able to, however we're holding out for the surprise at birth.

If You Give a Dog a Giant Bone....

Do you remember this bone?  This was Riley's birthday August.  He's savoring it.  He's finally decided it's time to eat it.  What does that mean for me and Brian?  It means he carries it around, wants to sleep with it, wants us to throw it, wants to put it on the bed....

Last night, after we'd settled in for the night, lights were out, books were closed....I hear the classic dog nails on the hardwood.  Riley, prancing out to the living room and prancing back, brought his giant bone back to sleep with.  Uh oh, but he ran into an issue.  Low and behold, he can't get his bone through the door easily.  So, what do we hear next?  Rawhide against wood, dog nails on the hardwood floors....scraping, banging, dropping....all of it.  Finally, he gets through the door, but is quickly met by yet another hurdle...carrying the bone through the narrow walkway between our foot board and our dresser....more scraping, more whining, more rawhide knocking against wood....

I finally got up and put his bone on his bed for him...where he settled in to lick it nonstop forever....

It's a good thing he's cute!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Baby TV

Ever since we found out we're expecting, I've been addicted to baby-themed TV shows.  My favorites?  TLC's "Baby Story" and "Bringing Home Baby", as well as MTV's "16 and Pregnant" and "Teen Mom 2".  The TLC shows are helpful and insightful...the MTV shows are pathetic, but addicting.  It's like a car's so bad, but I can't stop looking.  Jenelle (pictured above), from "Teen Mom 2", is the worst.  I can't wait to see what happens with her situation!  I hope this TV show is a wake up call to high schoolers near and far.

Thoughts on a Kegerator...

A couple of years ago, Brian acquired a kegerator like the one above from helping a friend move.  When he first came home with this monstrosity, my first reaction was, "Great.  We are receding in our quest towards adulthood."  However, this bad boy lived in the garage in Denver and now in our unused downstairs area here in SF.   I have to say....cold beer on tap....really good (don't worry, no beer for me).   No beer bottles or cans crowding my fridge....also, very nice.  Also, keg beer is cheaper in the end.  I've voiced this opinion a few times to some of Brian's friends and they've said, "Can you please call my girlfriend/wife and tell her that?"  So, I figured I'd publish it right here on the blog.  Really, guys, it's not a bad thing to have!

Thank you, Mr. Policeman

To the Cop Who Pulled Me Over Yesterday:
Thank you for being a good cop.  I was in the wrong, leaving the turn lane to go straight at a light....and I was honest with you that I wasn't sure if my maneuver was "quite legal" and you ran my plates, checked my license and thanked me for my honesty, told me it was refreshing and sent me on my merry way.  I'll be a good driver and won't pull any shenanigans like that, I promise.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sad Panda

Well, we knew it was a long shot, but our offer on the house was rejected and the bank has already chosen to go with the other offer that they received last week.  Oh, well.  On to the next....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Holiday Recap

As I'd mentioned in an earlier post, I've been too lazy to unload the Christmas pictures from the camera...well, today I finally took the plunge and low and behold the yield was pathetic.  Ugh - maybe this calls for a delayed new year's resolution - focus on taking more photos? 

Anywho, we had a wonderful Christmas and it was so, so nice to be local with the fams and the friends.  We made the typical rounds - Brian's Mom's for Christmas Eve, spent the night at my parents', Brian's Dad's for Christmas brunch and then back to my parents' for Christmas dinner with the extended family.  Maybe next year we'll have our own house to host one of these?

We are so fortunate to have such loving and generous families - we received so many fun presents and got to spend quality time with both of our families!  Even Baby Rogers got several outfits, some blankets, some frames, etc.  We got a camcorder, which will be AWESOME when the baby comes (who's excited for home videos on the blog?).  Here's one of the only photos I took - Riley destroying his gift from Aunt Sandy approximately 4 hours after he received it.
 We also had fun giving gifts, too - like a new knife set for Debbie and Mitch and their new kitchen, a french press for my Dad, some cute tops for my Mom, new flannel sheets for Tim, a mini wine fridge for Brennan, new shoes for Gabriel, some shirts for Gregory, and for our extended family gift exchange too - shirts for Grandpa and a hunting vest and gun cleaning kit for Danny.  To name a few....I loooovveeee gift giving.

Here's a snapshot of me and Lindsay with the tots - Haven and Caden (and his cool new beanie).
We had a pretty chill New Years Eve - had a few friends over for dinner, cocktails, games and illegal fireworks in the backyard.  We put on a fireworks show like you'd see over the bay on the 4th of July.  I'm glad everyone still had all fingers and eyeballs when they left in the morning.  Here's to 2011!


I recently read this book, Beautiful Boy, by David Sheff and I highly recommend it!  It's been too long since I've read a good book so I was quite happy to refresh my reading list with a good one.  It's also written locally so if you know Marin or San Francisco at all, the scenery will ring a bell.  It's a must read!

Next on my list? Assholes Finish First by Tucker Max.  Certainly won't be as touching and insightful, but entertaining for sure!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Home, Sweet Home

Brian and I have been casually house browsing for the last couple months and officially started to really house SHOP as of the first of the year.  We've seen about 30 houses thus far and this weekend we found one that we LOVE enough to make an offer on!  I won't give too many details because I don't want to jinx us, but here are some of the PROS...
  • Move in ready
  • Cool fireplace with built in shelves
  • Laundry room (Brian sees no value here....really?)
  • Nice size yard
  • Big closets
  • Pantry in the kitchen
  • Awesome neighborhood
  • Open/roomy floor plan
Now, some of you may not agree with what we see as "pros", however house shopping in California in a reputable area is not easy.  We can pretty much afford a cardboard box on a tiny slice of we're excited this place has so many things to love about it.  However, it is a "business deal" and I'm told not to get emotionally attached as we wait for the banks to work their magic and decide if we're worthy....

Wish us luck!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nursery Furniture?

Well, I know I've been MIA from the blog - mostly because I haven't been motivated to unload the photos from the camera....but I'm excited for this blog.  We are 99% sure that THIS is our nursery furniture for the bambino.  Likee?  We do!  We are thinking to make the purchase next month - so that it arrives a couple months before baby does, but not too close to the finish line.