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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Holy Price Tag!

I have done a bit of research over the last 4 months or so on baby monitors and I found a brand, Angelcare, that I've been really excited about.  Mostly because their monitors include a movement sensor so you can be alerted if baby stops moving (aka stops breathing) for more than 30 seconds - it's like a SIDs miracle tool.  I read about the NEW Angelcare monitor that was to be released in the spring that not only included the sound and movement monitor, but also a video monitor and I told myself this was the one I surely wanted.  Well, it's finally been released, and the price is much can it be, you ask?  Wait for it.....$255!!!!!!!  Holy hell, that's a lot of dough for a baby monitor....especially compared to the deluxe model that includes sound and movement, but no video which is roughly $125.  Is it worth it?

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