Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, April 18, 2011

Springtime Weekend

Since we thought we'd be closed on our house by now, we had no plans this weekend, aside from the A's game.  It was a GLORIOUS weekend because of it!  It's been too long since we did whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted.  We headed out to the A's game on Friday night with some friends to celebrate Brian's birthday - we grilled hot dogs and sausages, noshed on homemade guac (super delish, if I don't say so myself) and other snacks and also treated ourselves to yummy birthday cupcakes for the birthday boy.

Here are Brian, Gabriel, Rob and Dough all clearly not entertained by my photography.
 Brennan and Dan in the midst of some philosophical, deep conversation, probably about the economy or communism or what's wrong with the "f word" (seriously, Brennan wanted to argue there's nothing wrong with it).
 And of course it wouldn't be your 29th birthday (or maybe 22nd??!) without some beer shotgunning.  The boys had fun, which was a good thing because the A's lost big time in the 10th inning.
On Saturday, we slept in, made breakfast burritos and then I headed out to visit my Nonni and do some shopping/errands out in Walnut Creek.  It was a beautiful day in the east bay and aside from a parking ticket, it was a great afternoon.  Although, Nonni is still not awake so please keep her in your thoughts.
 Saturday night, we went on an impromptu date.  I was craving some "home style" food and we've wanted to try the restaurant "Home" in San Francisco for years so we finally pulled the pregnancy card and took a trip to the Castro to indulge ourselves.  Dinner was DELICIOUS.  If my friend Katie ever makes the trip from Georgia to San Francisco, I will take her here because she and I would have the most amazing meal ever and enjoy every second (Katie - check out their menu!  I'm just sayin').  Then my loving husband drove us to Ben and Jerry's where we got some ice cream to share on the drive home.  We ended the night by renting "Inception" on On Demand which was good, but tough to follow....I'm still not sure I "get" it.
 Sunday was another gloriously unplanned day.  We slept in, Brian brought me breakfast in bed, I lounged and read my book until noon and finally got up and went to the gym for a swim - where I had the pleasure of swimming in the dreaded 24 hour fitness pool ALL BY MYSELF.  Seriously, two whole lanes to myself.  Amazing.  I ran some errands and got some new work/dress shoes on clearance at DSW (score!).  I decided to make lasagna last night and I have always wanted to try the "oven ready" (also seen as "no boil") noodles, but am a bit skeptical.  I decided to bite the bullet and give them a try - Target's brand "Archer Farms" makes whole wheat oven ready lasagna noodles so I bought those and headed home.  The lasagna was DELICIOUS and tasted just like a normal lasagna, which is a double win because usually whole wheat noodles taste a bit earthy to me AND I didn't have to boil the noodles.  For anyone who ever makes lasagna, I encourage you to give these a try - total time saver! 

We need to enjoy these kind of amazing weekends while we still have them - we're about to embark on a journey into home improvement and newborn care - only 10 more weeks to go before the bambino arrives!

1 comment:

Anthony and Katie Green said...

That restaurant sounds really good, what did you order?
Glad you had a nice relaxing weekend, I seriously can't believe how close we are to having little ones!