Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, June 6, 2011


We bought this beautiful baby furniture at Costco that we love and the quality is outstanding.  However, the manufacturer has to put warning stickers on it for morons (Really?  Falling hazard on the changing table?  Of course it's a falling hazard to leave an unattended, active baby laying on a flat surface with no supervision).
 Brian and I probably collectively spent 2 hours trying to rip off pieces of these stickers and scrub off the stickiness without ruining the finish - we tried wood cleaner and soap and water to no avail.  My grandpa suggested WD-40 and voila!  Took the sticker and stickiness away within 3 seconds and no damage to the wood!  Good to know for the future, annoying that we wasted so much time trying to deal with this.

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