Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week 25!

Alright, I promised a photo and although I'm feeling less than photogenic these days (can't wait for what I'll feel like in June!), I'll deliver.  Here's the "bump" today, at about 25 and a half weeks along the way.  Feeling pretty stretch marks (yet?), no crazy itchiness (yet?), but I do have a faint linea nigra coming to life.  For those of you who have never been pregnant or don't read all there is to read about pregnancy, linea nigra is hyperpigmentation that forms a dark line (not hair) on your belly that starts at your belly button and goes down.  It's actually kind of cool, but let's hope it's not here to stay.   
   In other fun news, we received written approval today on the short sale we're trying to buy.  So, now we're OFFICIALLY under contract!  Now we start all the fun things like loan paperwork and rate lock down, home and pest inspections, money wiring, etc.  Cross your fingers for us that everything goes smoothly and we'll be in our new house in April!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Cute picture!!! Congrats on the house! My line hasn't gone away yet :(.