Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, March 14, 2011

Breakfast in Bed

I woke up early on Saturday morning for some reason.  So, I did some blogging, some internet surfing, some email checking, some dishes, etc.  Then I decided to make blueberry pancakes because we have lots of yummy, fresh blueberries in the fridge.  Who doesn't love blueberry pancakes?  So, I went on my merry way prepping the batter and brewing some coffee for Brian.  I made myself some pancakes and enjoyed the hot breakfast!  Then, I decided to see if Brian was awake yet so that I could make him some, too.  Well, what did I see when I opened the bedroom door?  Brian, wide awake, propped up in bed looking like he was just waiting to be served breakfast in bed, along with Riley right next to him, also looking like he could eat some breakfast.  They heard me and my racket and smelled the yummy aroma of fresh coffee and hot pancakes in the kitchen and "guessed" he was getting breakfast in bed.  So, I made him a fresh stack of 'cakes and couldn't resist putting some puppy treats on a plate and serving both of my boys on a lovely Saturday morning!

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