Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baby Movin', Baby Movin'....

Trying to get catchier with the blog titles - is it working?  Get it, Beastie Boys, "Body Movin'"

Anyway, I'm overdue for providing a baby update.  This week marks our 25th week!  Someone asked me the other day if I feel like time is flying by.  I do, I feel like the last 25 weeks have flown by and I can't believe our baby will be here in just over 3 months!  But, I feel like each day is moving vvveerrrryyyy slowly because we're so excited for this little one!  And maybe because we're in a holding pattern on the house we're trying to buy (gotta love those short sales).....I'm not going to lie, I'm ready to nest and don't have a definitive tree to put my nest in, yet! 

Doctor says baby is doing great - strong heartbeat, active baby.  At my 24 week checkup last week, I had my fundal height measurement taken for the first time and Baby Rogers is measuring about a week and a half ahead of schedule, however my doctor says that measurement is not indicative of the size of the baby really, they just use that measurement week over week to make sure the baby is continuing to grow.  I had  my glucose test (gestational diabetes), too and results were supposed to be ready on Friday - my doctor said if I don't hear from her, that means I passed.  So far, I haven't heard anything so I'll keep praying she doesn't call! 

The baby has been a moving machine.  Not sure what it's doing in there - rolls, flips, dancing, kickboxing, who knows, but I sure can feel it!  Brian felt the baby move for the first time Friday night - he smiled and said, "that's weird".  That was nothing, last night Brian had his ear to my belly trying to hear the baby's heart beat when he got a swift kick to the head.  I also saw the baby move through my shirt for the first time yesterday - very cool.

I'll be heading to Denver this coming weekend for some QT with friends and most excitedly, my FIRST baby shower!  Our amazing friends in Denver are throwing a joint shower for me and my friend Katie - our lil bundles are due within 3 weeks of each other!  I can't wait to see Katie's adorable baby bump and celebrate with our Denver crew.  Here's a snapshot of the adorable invitation on my fridge:
Also, I received the invitation in the mail for my first California shower hosted by my bestie, Alia!  It's so cute and I can't wait!  All the shower planning and talk makes me realize how close the arrival of Baby Rogers is!  Although these photos of invitations are not great, it gives you the idea of the super cute invites my friends have created!
If you're lucky and I'm not feeling frumpy or like a walrus, I'll try to post a belly photo tomorrow.  I'm a bit sickly, so not feeling up to it today.  Hopefully, I shake this head cold quickly.

1 comment:

Lisa Cotter said...

Yay!!! Can't wait to see you this weekend!