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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gym Rant

I had a great day.  Until I went to the gym.  And then, I was just aggravated.  I have two gym rants today.

1) Parking
2) The Pool

We'll start with the Parking situation.  I understand we live in SF and the parking garage is small in relation to the number of folks using the gym.  I get it.  However, you can't just drive into the garage and hold up the line behind you waiting to see if someone happens to come out of the elevator and go to their car and leave.  I mean, if no one is behind you, fine...go ahead and wait around.  But don't block the rest of us in.  That isn't even my real rant today.  My real problem is when someone in front of me in said "line" thinks they are entitled to a spot that opens up BEHIND them and that everyone else should back up so they can take it.  Screw you, buddy.  Your loss.  That's my spot, now.
Alright, onto my second rant.  The pool.  I know it's a small gym with only a two lane pool.  And I know I go to the gym most of the time during "rush hour".  And I also know that everyone pays their fees and is entitled to use the gym in the same capacity.  All that being said, for the love of CHRIST, if you don't know how to swim properly, at least show some courtesy to those of us that do.  There are four types of pool hogs:

1) The bobbers: The bobbers don't swim laps, they just bob around, chat with their friends, take up lap space, bob-bob-bobbing around.  Annoying.  Get out of the way.  Better yet, go bob in the spa.  Or come to the pool during aqua-aerobics.
2) The zig-zaggers: These types of gym-rats are a step up from the bobbers.  At least they are swimming.  However, they are making it nearly impossible for anyone else to share the lane with them as splitting a lane is hard when you don't stay on your side and circle swimming doesn't work when you don't swim in a circle.
3) The half-lap-stoppers: These people also are giving the sport of swimming a really good try.  Unfortunately, they aren't good enough to make it the HUGE (sense my sarcasm?) 25 yd length of the pool without stopping for some rest in the middle of the lane.  It's time to learn to breathe while swimming, guys.
4) The lane hoarders: These are the people who ignore the 2 person to a lane rule and want to "share" with you and the other person in your lane.  Doesn't seem to bother them that they can't swim well or just plan to bob....they just invite themselves into your lane.  Hey, guess what, jerk?  I don't hop on the back of your treadmill in the middle of your run, do I?  No.  So unless you know how to circle swim and are of similar skill to me, get out of my lane and wait your turn.   

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