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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Blizzard (really?) 2K9

(Our front yard at about 5pm on 3/26/09)

Three Christmases ago we had a REAL Blizzard here in Denver. In fact, said blizzard almost ruined our trip home for Christmas.

So, you can imagine how my memory flashed back to 2006 when the news said that the Winter Storm Advisory on Thursday was now a Blizzard Warning....

Outside the windows by my cubicle, it looked a train full of cotton balls had exploded - that's how thick the snow was that was falling. I left work at 12:15 and got home at about 2:30 - the worst, said the news, was to come between 5 and midnight.

But, alas, the "blizzard" passed and we just had light snow for the rest of the night......oh well.

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