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Sunday, December 18, 2011

6 Months Old, ALREADY!

We can't believe our little girl is already 6 months old!  How quickly the time has gone.  This has been the best 6 months our lives!  She's such a blessing and really lights up a room and can turn any bad mood upside down (even her Daddy's!).  Here's a recap of month 6!

Miss Gemma had her visit with Santa before Thanksgiving - we noticed Santa was already posted up at the mall and the lines were non-existent, so one evening we popped in and got her photo taken. Look at that cute little grin!  No tears, either.  She was totally digging the Big Man.
 Thanksgiving weekend, The Robbins came to visit and with a visit from the Robbins comes Alia's mad camera skills.  So, since we had our tree up, we dressed Baby Chooch up in her Christmas dress and told Riley to lay by the tree and snapped some photos. I'm so, so happy with how they turned out!  We are getting so many huge smiles and belly laughs out of Gemma these days!
 Of course, I take advantage of the holiday season to dress her almost every day in a Christmas outfit of some sort. 
 She is so, so close to being ready to sit up all on her own.  She can for a little bit, but she tends to tilt herself over.  She's also a rolling machine - flipping to her belly the minute she is put in her crib and making her way around our house roll by roll.
 We went and picked out a Christmas tree, too.  In her sixth month, Gemma not only started solids, but she also got a taste of the tree - she managed to get a pine needle in her mouth from the carpet and swallowed it!  Good experience for us calling Poison Control (Fraser Firs are NOT poisonous) and she was just fine.
 Her eyes are settling in at a really pretty blue - our pediatrician said by this age, they don't vary much more so looks like Miss Gemma is going to stay a blue eyed beauty.
 This month, we also finally have enough hair for bed head!  Here she is after her morning nap - crazy hair baby!  A handful of people have also commented on her "faux hawk"...not amused.
 We started solids last Sunday - about a week shy of 6 months old.  Man, was she ready.  Brian couldn't shovel in the rice cereal fast enough!  Since then, I've made homemade Sweet Potatoes and Pears.  She didn't seem to love either, but she didn't refuse them or spit them out!  Next up?  Butternut squash!
 We also have an array of Christmas pj's!  Gemma is loving her time in her exersaucer but also wanting to jump and move more so we'll be looking to move to her jumperoo soon!
 We think she's looking more and more like Brian - what do you think? 
  And here she is today - on her 6 month birthday in her big girl high chair!  And what has decided to grace us with its presence just in time for her half-year birthday?  A tooth!  It hasn't come through yet, but we definitely have a teether on our hands!  She loves to gnaw on Brian's fingers, her cold teething rings, her sippee cup (yes, we introduced that with water this week, too!), her Sophie giraffe and basically anything within her reach that she can put in her mouth before we can stop her!  Her favorite of all things to do is to drink from Mommy's big girl cup - cold, cold water! 

1 comment:

Anthony and Katie Green said...

she is the happiest, sweetest thing. Love the post, so many updates! We look at her picture on the fridge and tell Hazel all about her friend, Gemma! Can't wait for them to meet!