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Monday, January 23, 2012

Christmas has come...

...and gone.  Too quickly!  And then almost another month has passed, too.  I know, I know...I'm consistently getting worse with the blogging.  Our lives have gotten sooooo busy and now when I have the choice between Gemma-time and blogging....I choose G....and when I have the choice between the over-flowing laundry and blogging....I choose the laundry....and when I have the choice between QT with Brian or blogging....I choose Brian.  And so it goes.  Anywho, need to blog while I have the time. 

We had an amazing Gemma's 1st Christmas.  It was a whirlwind weekend - complete with a clog in our main plumbing line and no plumbing from Saturday to Tuesday. 

For Christmas Eve, we headed up to Vacaville to Debbie and Mitch's.  But first, we stopped by Grandma and Grandpa (or Great to Miss G) to say hello.  Here she is with Great-Grandma Pancoast:

And with Great-Grandpa Pancoast:
And then we were off to Vacaville....due to the plumbing fun, we arrived in our pjs without having showered, dufflebag in tow.  We showered and got ready and then the fun began!  Baby G was looking good in her Gymbo gingerbread girl outfit.  We love ruffle pants.
She is such a lucky little girl with so much family that love her!  Here she is with her Great-Grandma Haberman: 
 And Great-Grandpa Haberman (and her new doll she loves)!  What a lucky girl to have FOUR great-grandparents!
 And Uncle Bren.....
 Here're the three of us enjoying the Christmas Eve festivities.  It was a great night and Gemma was SPOILED.  She got so many fun gifts - a toy tea set, a doll, books, new jackets, new outfits and more!
 We celebrated our first Christmas morning as a family of 3 at our house (sans plumbing).  Santa came a-visiting.  He brought Brian new golf clubs!  He left so many gifts for Gemma, too!
 Here she is soaking in her first Christmas morning.  We had to wake her up if you can believe it!  We had a busy day planned.  She was all smiles and baby-talk - she loved looking at the gifts and finally being able to touch them!  She pulled at the paper and ate the bows and ribbon!  She didn't even know what to do with all her new stuff - a My Pal Violet doggie, books, a toy cellphone, a sit-to-stand walker toy, clothes, galore!
 Santa even filled her stocking with two summer-jumpers for Hawaii and a teething toy.
 Daddy picked out a laptop for her which she loves!  It teaches her Spanish,too.
Riley was not left out either - he got toys and treats from the Big Man, too!
 After we wrapped up our Christmas morning, we packed our duffle and headed to my parents for ANOTHER Christmas morning (and showers!).  Here we are with the star of Christmas morning herself.  And boy did she make out!  Grammy and Nonno more than spoiled her!  Toys, a new wardrobe (for this winter/spring and Hawaii!), a picnic table, a bath seat, shoes, books!
After presents with my family, we headed to Tim's for brunch/lunch.  Gemma was having a good time with Grandpa!  She loves her new books he gave to her.
Then it was back to my parents for Christmas dinner with the extended family.  Gemma had a blast hanging with her cousins.  Here's a shot of her admiring Mackenzie's hair - always jealous of other girls' manes.
More presents!  What a fortunate little girl!
Family photo time!  Gemma loves her Riley-boy.
That pretty much wraps up Christmas 2011.  Whew!  It was amazing and only makes us look forward to many more Christmases with our precious baby girl.

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