Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, August 8, 2011

Week 7!

As I write these weekly "Gemma updates", I feel like I'm counting down the days that are slipping by!  We are still having such a wonderful time with our little girl.  Every day she is sweeter and sweeter. 

Most recently, she's discovered she does love her paci, but only this kind.  She loves to suck and gaze around the room and sometimes fall asleep.
 We took lots of pictures this week trying to get the perfect shot for her baptism invitation - which I ordered today.  We had her rite of enrollment/annointing yesterday at our new church and scheduled her baptism today for October 1.  Our precious peach was an angel in church...even if she did poop really loud during her annointing AND the quiet time after communion.  Oops.
 Riley loves his baby girl, but he does not love when I pretend to make her ride him....
I can't stare at her enough and laugh and play and talk to her - her facial expressions and reactions are getting cuter and cuter each day.  She smiles big huge smiles and I wish I could capture one on camera, but we're usually too busy laughing and enjoying her big grins. 
 She's also starting to coo and baby talk a little more....she really works it up and then makes a funny little noise and is so proud of herself.
 Gemma loves the hammock!  Fussy baby + swinging hammock + cuddle with mommy or daddy = happy baby.
We're officially moving out of most newborn clothes....this little lady is too long for her onesies and footy pants and sleepers and long sleeved shirts.  The 0-3 month sizes are a wee-bit too big, but at least they're not too short!  I love the little dress in her "weekly" shot - Baby Gap clearance!  Soon, we hope to get a smile in one of these weekly photos! 
Her hair is thinning out a bit in the back and she's got a mini-mullet going on, but it's too cute!  In other, more exciting news, we signed her up today for her first swim lessons!  She starts next month at 3 months old and the session runs through December.  It's a mommy/daddy and me class so either Brian or I will get to splash around with baby Gemmers as she learns to love the water like us!  She even has the cutest ruffle butterfly swim suit ready to go!  She loves the bath and the shower so we're thinking she's a natural fish.

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