Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 10

Blog catch up time!  Our lil angel is almost 11 weeks old, but it's time to blog about the 10th week.  We had a fun week because the weather was beautiful!  We had some awesome hammock time and actually snapped a photo of me and my girl.
 Chooch got her very own big girl chair for reading stories and lounging.  Couldn't pass up a sale at PB Kids, especially when they told me this pattern was being discontinued and PINK is what's pulling her room together in girl fashion - pink and green.
 We went swimming for the first time - Nonno heated their hot tub up to a nice baby friendly temperature and this lil gal was in HEAVEN.  We have a total fish on our hands.  Lots of cooing and smiles and complete and utter enjoyment.
 We went on two 3.5 mile walks in her new bad-ass stroller.  Smooth ride and she loves it.  She sprawls out and takes a fat nap while we walk.  She's still a little too small for the stroller, but we take it easy - no off roading yet.
 Tummy time every day!  In fact, now when we try to do tummy time, it doesn't last long because she rolls right onto her back.
 Cutie-patootie in sunglasses.
 With Grammy at cousin Ava's baptism. 
 "Are you jealous of my hair flower?"
 Family photo at the baptism luncheon - it was HOT!
 Our boy turned FIVE years old on Saturday!  He got some cheese and wet food in his kibble, along with a new frisbee, a bone and a new ball toy. 
 We had fun hanging out in the evening, snapping photos with our camera's remote control.  Riley is a little camera ham.
...and her weekly photo!  Not going to lie, these are getting hard to keep up with.

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