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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Baby TV

Ever since we found out we're expecting, I've been addicted to baby-themed TV shows.  My favorites?  TLC's "Baby Story" and "Bringing Home Baby", as well as MTV's "16 and Pregnant" and "Teen Mom 2".  The TLC shows are helpful and insightful...the MTV shows are pathetic, but addicting.  It's like a car's so bad, but I can't stop looking.  Jenelle (pictured above), from "Teen Mom 2", is the worst.  I can't wait to see what happens with her situation!  I hope this TV show is a wake up call to high schoolers near and far.

1 comment:

Tim, Lisa and Edan said...

I became so addicted to Teen Mom when I was pregnant and then I would stare at their labor process in complete horror. I had to tell myself time and time again that I am 30 and they are 16 (there is a huge difference). I think they should make teenagers watch this show in health. It might change their minds.