Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Belly Book

My mom bought me this "Belly Book" a couple of months ago and I just felt good enough today to whip it out and start to fill it out.  Now that we're through the first trimester and into the second, it was fun to fill out the details - how we found out, who we told, how I'm feeling, what I'm craving.  Now, I need to develop some photos from various events over the past few months to add to the book.  I also took all the "Congrats" cards we got from friends and family and stored them in here as a keepsake.  I still love looking at my baby book so I hope to make this a special memory book for our baby.

1 comment:

Anthony and Katie Green said...

oh thats so cute! Tell us (blog followers) what your craving, feeling, etc!