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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Made or Not?

I've seen on TV that there is now a show called "The Marriage Ref" where celebrities (as if they have the most exemplary marriages ever???) "referee" arguments or disagreements that married couples are having. THIS is something I would take to that show if I was asked this second.
Today, Brian called me at work to tell me he was heading out to the East Bay to help his friend build a fence and then drive to the A's stadium early for good parking before the game. Out of guilt (since I was slaving away at work, perhaps?) or some other feeling of obligation, he then starting rattling off all the things he'd done today around the of which was "I even made the bed!".
My dear blog readers, please assess the photo below and help me understand why my loving husband thinks this bed is made?:
Now, just for the purpose of this blog, when I came home to the above bed, I actually DID make the bed. Here is that photo:
Is this one of those "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" things or am I just a crazy wife?

P.S. Please place your bets on how long it will take Brian to see this blog and comment on it...

1 comment:

Tim, Lisa and Edan said... looks like he pulled the covers up...that is all. Tim won't tuck the sheets in the bed when he makes it. Drives me crazy. I give Brian a week to comment, haha.