Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekend Goodness

Now that we're back in California and done unpacking (for the most part), the FUN with friends and family has begun. We had a fantastic weekend full of just that. Weekend festivities included:
- Lunch with Kristen and Josh at Pier 23 (where I scored a major farmer sunburn that several strangers commented on today)
- Dinner with Brian, Jess and Cat at our house with lots of wine and yummy food and great conversation
- Quick shopping trip to Broadway Plaza
- Waterside walk and dog play date with Jess and her dog Raffi, Riley's new friend
- Family BBQ at Mom and Dad's

All this fun and quality time was NECESSARY after a crappy Friday night when I got on the wrong bus home, rode until the end of the line since I had no idea where I was, then a 2 mile walk home in heels. I cracked open a bottle of wine, put my feet up and watched a movie after that disaster.

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