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Sunday, April 18, 2010

The New Digs Part 1

Well, we are officially moved in, but not unpacked. We are working on it, though. The movers delivered our stuff on Tuesday and I spent the day unpacking what I could, while Brian and his dad worked in our yard. Each day, we're making great progress. I'll post more pics when we're unpacked (hence the "Part 1" in this title).
Riley needed a rest in the middle of unpacking...(spare room #1):
The movers were in an annoying rush to drop our stuff off because they didn't want to get a parking ticket, so there was no organization to where the boxes, etc. went. Here is an example of how the spare room #2 was filled to the brim with stuff:
(Ugly lamp has since been disposed of)
Our living room was a sea of furniture. We're still trying to figure out where everything should go, but this was ridiculous:
Riley is a fan of the windows down at his head level. He can catch the breeze, watch seagulls and bark at neighbors. All favorite pastimes of his.

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