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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pet Peeve

Now that the holiday season has officially started, lights are sprouting on peoples' houses left and right. So, that means it's time that I share my views on said Christmas lights.

PEOPLE - if you are going to spend hours upon hours putting lights on your house and dollar after dollar buying these strands, for GOD'S SAKE do a good job!

There are three Christmas light "faux pas" in my opinion - too much, just plain shitty, the uneven blinkers.

Example: Too Much

No words are necessary.

Example: Just Plain Shitty

No straight lines, no patterns, no consistency, too many characters - maybe I have a small case of OCD, but this is unreal.

Example: Uneven Blinkers

I do not have a picture for this.....however, put on your imagination cap.....picture a house with 5 strands of lights strapped to the gutters - and only 1 strand is blinking. Picture a tree with 3 strands of lights wrapped around it - and 2 are blinking faster than the 1. I have no problem with blinking lights in general, but pull it together and have the blinking make sense...or move into a trailer.

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