Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby Groovin'

Today, I put my Ritmo Sound System to use for the first time.  What's a Ritmo, you ask?  Well, it's a cool sound system that allows you to listen to music with your baby or play music for your baby.  It hooks up to your iPod or iPhone or any MP3 Player.  So, I charged it up last week and today headed out to walk Riley and strapped this bad boy on.  I wore it under my sweatshirt so I didn't look like a complete tool like this lady here (and my dog is obviously way cuter):
It's pretty neat!  Baby and I grooved to some ABBA, Enya, Alabama, Ace of Base and Black Eyed Peas - tried to keep it baby appropriate - looks like I'll be needing to make a baby play list.  I'm sure Brian is stoked for today's music choice for his child.  Apparently, higher IQs are linked to babies who are read to or have music played for them in the womb.  Pretty crazy!


Anthony and Katie Green said...

that's neat! your baby is going to be so smart:)

Tim, Lisa and Edan said...

Your baby will also love to dance dance dance!

Lisa Cotter said...

Riley is way cuter than that dog.