Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Long Weekend Recap

Although we stayed in town for the long Memorial Day weekend, we still had a ton of fun. Every day, we had something planned.....
On Friday, Cat, Andra, Jess, and Dan came over for dinner AND Raffi came, too. The dogs love each other and both fit perfectly on the bed together.
Next, it was off to my Uncle's SURPRISE graduation party. He's been going to school part time for a couple of years - even with a few kids, a wife and a job keeping him busy.
My mom and Kristen rocking out to the awesome play list (guess who made it?!).
Just about the cutest little baby EVER - my cousin's little son, Noah. I heart him. I might steal him. Just kidding.
Then, a hike in the park with Riley who got a chance to swim after some ducks. Too bad he wasn't quite fast enough to catch them.
Although I didn't get photos, we also had a great BBQ with friends on Sunday, too. Monday, Brian went fishing and I ran errands before flying to Denver for work.
Oh, what I would GIVE for another 3 day weekend! Now...on to THIS weekend - Kristen's Bachelorette Party in Tahoe!

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