Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day Fun

On Sunday, we spent the afternoon at my parents' house with mom, dad, brothers, brothers' girlfriends, uncle, aunt, cousins, grandma and grandpa....such a great day. BBQ'd tri-tip, pork roast, crazy rice (ask for the recipe - it rocks), stuffed zucchini, spring salad, monkey bread, yum yum. Thanks to MOM for making such a great spread.
Since the sun was shining, the pool was busy! Brian took up toddler tossing as a hobby, as portrayed in this photo below. Note, Gregory's facial expression....
But the tossed toddler didn't seem phased - look at that face, I want to kidnap him.
Of course, Riley was digging the company and the extra neck rubs and pats on the head.
And all was calm and peaceful until "King of the Step" brother vs. brother went sideways and Gregory hit his face on a rock....but, alas, nothing a panty liner and a head bandanna handkerchief can't fix......
On Saturday night, while I was busy drinking wine with girlfriends, Brian was celebrating an early Father's Day treat with Tim and Brennan at the SF Symphony. Overall, a very successful Father's Day weekend!

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