Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Spoke too soon....

SARA & ERIC: Engaged, tonight!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Love is in the air...

Must be something about the warm, summer weather....
Jayme and Alex are engaged! Now I get to help Jayme research destination wedding details.
Dan proposed, Jess said YES! Can't wait to see these two lovebirds tie the knot after dating for almost eight years!
Josh and Kristen tied the knot! BEAUTIFUL wedding, gorgeous couple, fantastic party.....

Who is next?!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Spray Tan Gone Bad

A word to the wise....

If you have been peeling, don't get a spray tan. The solution will cling to your dry, previously burned, brittle skin and will be incredibly "tan" where as the rest of your skin will be lightly sun kissed.

Take it from me, who will be heading to a wedding tomorrow with blotchy leper legs......

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day Fun

On Sunday, we spent the afternoon at my parents' house with mom, dad, brothers, brothers' girlfriends, uncle, aunt, cousins, grandma and grandpa....such a great day. BBQ'd tri-tip, pork roast, crazy rice (ask for the recipe - it rocks), stuffed zucchini, spring salad, monkey bread, yum yum. Thanks to MOM for making such a great spread.
Since the sun was shining, the pool was busy! Brian took up toddler tossing as a hobby, as portrayed in this photo below. Note, Gregory's facial expression....
But the tossed toddler didn't seem phased - look at that face, I want to kidnap him.
Of course, Riley was digging the company and the extra neck rubs and pats on the head.
And all was calm and peaceful until "King of the Step" brother vs. brother went sideways and Gregory hit his face on a rock....but, alas, nothing a panty liner and a head bandanna handkerchief can't fix......
On Saturday night, while I was busy drinking wine with girlfriends, Brian was celebrating an early Father's Day treat with Tim and Brennan at the SF Symphony. Overall, a very successful Father's Day weekend!

Napa Bound

On Friday, I headed out to Napa for Megan's Wine Country Bachelorette Party Weekend. It was a beautiful weekend for drinking wine in the sun with good friends.
We sent to a handful of wineries - Andretti, Rutherford Grove, Chandon, to name a few. The views were gorgeous and the company was even better.
We had to get a jumping shot with such an amazing backdrop - I need to time my jumps better to get some good air.
A great photo opp at Andretti Winery - thanks to Karl, our winery tour guide who was rocking tight white shorts.
Ah yes, and our killer hotel, the Napa River Inn - great find!
The weekend was a huge success! And now it's time to count down to the wedding - 19 days to go!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bachelorette Party Round II

This weekend, I'm off to Napa with some girlfriends for Megan's Bachelorette Party! We'll be spending two nights at the Napa River Inn, dining at Pearl Restaurant, wine tasting at 3-4 different wineries, and enjoying a vineyard picnic lunch. I made the CUTEST (okay, maybe I'm biased) cork candles in cellophane bags tied off with ribbons in Megs' wedding colors - apple green and black.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer Summer

Wow, I am loving summer and it's only June 14. I have to say this is probably one of the most fun summers I've had in a long time and it's not even officially summer yet.
On Friday night, I met some friends for happy hour and had a great time. Riley was a bit irritated with me for having had zero attention all day except for a few potty breaks, so I made it up to him on Saturday.
Saturday morning, Jess came over with Raffi and we headed to Fort Funston for a beach hike and doggy beach playtime. They had a blast and were soooo tired. Then I headed to my parents' to drop Riley off while I ran some errands. He took a much needed nap before Raffi and Jess came over to barbecue and swim and drink wine - enjoying the sunshine and the pool! Riley must have been coaxed into swimming in the pool by Raffi because now he's a pool swimming machine! He's gotten over his fear of the "steps" and gets to partake in one of his favorite activities - swimming - right in my parents' backyard!
Then Sunday, I took my mom to lunch and to see Wicked in San Francisco.
Happy Birthday, Mom!
It was SOOOOOOO good. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a show.

Looking forward to more amazing summer weekends in 2010.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Long Weekend Recap

Although we stayed in town for the long Memorial Day weekend, we still had a ton of fun. Every day, we had something planned.....
On Friday, Cat, Andra, Jess, and Dan came over for dinner AND Raffi came, too. The dogs love each other and both fit perfectly on the bed together.
Next, it was off to my Uncle's SURPRISE graduation party. He's been going to school part time for a couple of years - even with a few kids, a wife and a job keeping him busy.
My mom and Kristen rocking out to the awesome play list (guess who made it?!).
Just about the cutest little baby EVER - my cousin's little son, Noah. I heart him. I might steal him. Just kidding.
Then, a hike in the park with Riley who got a chance to swim after some ducks. Too bad he wasn't quite fast enough to catch them.
Although I didn't get photos, we also had a great BBQ with friends on Sunday, too. Monday, Brian went fishing and I ran errands before flying to Denver for work.
Oh, what I would GIVE for another 3 day weekend! Now...on to THIS weekend - Kristen's Bachelorette Party in Tahoe!

Sprouting Season

Our garden is in full bloom - strawberries (above), broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes, beans and jalapenos. Brian did a great job of planting the garden and watering it and keeping the dog out of it...his reward? A home cooked dinner with the veggies he grew in a few months.