Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Workin' Mama

I went back to work last week. It was a rough week and a sad transition emotionally.  I keep reminding myself I want to use both parts of my brain and have a "dual" purpose again.  And the investment in my career is an investment in Gemma's financial future, too.  And I want to show my little girl that when she grows up she can have a career and be a mom, too. 

As I transition into a full time workin' mama....I am so, so, so thankful for my beautiful, happy baby who makes being a mom so easy.  She smiles and laughs all the time.  Rarely cries.  Is very content and relatively patient for a baby.  Sleeps well, eats well.  She's pretty dang perfect, if you ask me!  I also need to give a shout out to Brian, too - he's made the transition that much easier by helping more around the house, assisting in getting Gemma ready for the day each morning and for sharing the responsibilities of drop off and pick up at daycare.  What a guy!

And so, I leave you with the cutest video YET of Miss Happy Baby herself :)

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