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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Catch Up

Wow, I've been a BAD BLOGGER! I can't believe it's been over two weeks since my last post. Let's catch you up on the happenings of our life....
Fourth of July weekend was pretty mellow, but fun. We threw a small, casual party for our friends, Jess and Dan, to celebrate their recent engagement. Had a ton of fun and got to visit with a handful of great friends!
The happy couple, smooching, after the toast.
Happy to spend some time with Andra and Cat, but sad that they're moving to Seattle....but now I have an excuse to go visit!
To celebrate this country's birthday, we just went to our friends', Lisa and Adam's for some grilling and cornhole. I advanced once in the cornhole tournament - woohoo!
The three day weekend was followed by a very busy work week, me in Denver, Brian in his first week at the new job....but we packed up and headed to Orange County for Megan & Michael's wedding!

Megan was a STUNNING bride. So gorgeous and calm.
Had a great time visiting with the old college friends....I think Brian and Raja have a new found friendship. The Loving Cup was out in full force, too.
Megan and Michael are a picture perfect couple - had a great time in the OC for their wedding and got to experience my first Jewish wedding. Mozel tov, Megs & Michael!
Today is Grandpa's birthday (77?) - Happy Birthday, Grandpa!
Brian and I are looking forward to a mellow, low-key weekend.....maybe some sunshine, swimming, grilling, reading, hiking...who knows?

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