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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Moving Post #1

Today, I officially started packing for our move. The movers put us in "their system" to load our stuff on April 6 so we have about 5 weeks to pack up our entire home. So far, I can check off the list.....
- 3 boxes of books
- 1 giant suitcase of shoes
- 1 medium size suitcase of purses, scarves, etc.
- 1 wardrobe box of dresses, slacks, shirts, etc.
Not too shabby considering I also cleaned out my closet while I packed and was able to donate to Salvation Army.....
- 2 bags of clothes
- 1 bag of shoes and purses
Tomorrow, the packing continues. I'm going to finish packing the books (including cookbooks!) and try to knock out the picture frames and also take a stab at organizing the remaining wedding things here and there that almost two years later are still hanging around the house (extras....invitations, save the dates, programs, favors, toasting goblets, garter, etc.).

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