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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Brian the Patient

Brian is home from a smooth, successful knee surgery. Now it's time for him to be my patient. Sometimes, I think I should have gone to nursing school. This is not one of those times.
Here's a picture of the Game Ready cold therapy machine we got. You fill it with ice and water and it cycles cold water through a pad wrapped around Brian's leg. Much more convenient than messy ice packs, but still a lot of work. I had to get up and fill it three times in the night last night. Our ice maker cannot keep up so I ran to the gas station this morning and bought a couple bags of ice.
Here's a picture of Brian eating waffles for breakfast with Riley. He was not very happy I took this picture so I couldn't get a "smiling" shot. Riley is being quite the daddy's boy - refusing to leave Brian's side and bringing his bones and toys up on the bed. He even slept on the bed with both of us all night long. That was fun.

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